Common Anatolian Glossary
*da - to give
IE *do'- (to give, to take, exchange), Hittite
da-, Luwian da- (to take),
*daru - tree
*dhew - to install, to set
*diu - god of daylight
*ed - to eat
*ekw - to drink
*eshar - blood
*genu - a knee
*gwana - a woman
*gwes - to put the light off
*hanta - before
*hap - a treasure
*hap - a river, a stream
*hapar - a bargain
*hasta - a bone
*hawa - a sheep
*hnosa - a descendant
*kes, kês - to scratch
*khesro - a hand
*khwen - to beat, to hit
*k'ou - to forecast, to foresee
*kr@di - a heart
*l@hai - to pour
*luk - to shine
*melit - honey
*ntephes - sky
*phargui - pure, clean
*phr@khu - high
*pl@ha - wide
*r@h - external
*ser - top, above
*srei - to flow
*sta - to stand
*suwa - to fill
*thei - to feed
*thekkan - ground
*tr@ - to speak
*wawa - a bull
*wer - to speak
*weth - to bring
*weth - to build