Word-A-Week in Indo-European
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Today's Word: *bher-
Translation:  to bear, to carry, to take
Related to: Greek ferw (I carry) - an easy change of the initial consonant
  Latin feró (I carry)
  Common Celtic *ber- (to carry) > Old Irish beru, berim (I catch, I bring forth), Irish and Scottish Gaelic beirim
Welsh cymmeryd (to take, to accept), Breton kemeret - both come from *com-ber- (to take with oneself)
  Common Germanic *ber-, baer- (to carry, to bring) > Gothic baíran (to carry), Old English and Old High German beran, Old Norse bera
  Avestan baraiti (carries) - an ablaut in the stem
  Sanskrit bharati (carries) - again an ablaut causing -a-
Thracian *bier / *ber- (must have been like that);
> Albanian bie (I am bringing)
Phrygian eber (has brought), abberet (will bring),
~ Armenian berem (I carry)
  Baltic - not found
  Common Slavic *bero (nasal -o), *brati (to take) - a vowel interchange in the stem of this infinitive;
> Church Slavic birati (to take) (a very short -i-), Bulgarian bera (I take), Chekh Serbo-Croatian Slovene brati, Polish and Upper Sorbian braæ, Lower Sorbian bjeru (I take), Russian brat', beru, bremya (a burden)
Notes: This is a very easy stem, used practically in every book about the comparative Indo-European studies. But does it become less valuable or interesting?
It was a thematic verb in Proto-Indo-European, so it used thematic endings (-o instead of -mi in 1 pers. present) and a "thematic vowel" before it (e.g. bher-e-s, ebher-o-nt). The only case it turned into athematic verbs is Old Irish, where two parallel forms shown above existed together. Armenian also has it with -m ending - but it's everywhere in Armenian.
The verb meant not only "to carry" and "to bring" but also was associated with giving birth to a child. In English and German the trend is still seen: to be born, gebären (to give birth). The very word "birth" is from that stem. This meaning is kept in a Russian word for "pregnant": beremennaya. Dutch has preserved draagbaar with the meaning "stretcher" - surely the same stem.
Also English has to bear, latinisms to offer and to suffer, German Bürde (fem., a load), French has descending from Latin words like offrir (to offer), fertile and préférer (to prefere).
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