Word-A-Week in Indo-European
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Today's Word: *sneigwh- 
Translation:  snow
Related to: Greek nix, nifos (snow), neifei (it snows) - the sound -f- witnesses the stem used to have a labiovelar consonant -gwh-
  Latin nix, nivis (snow), ninguit (it snows) - mind the -n- infix; 
French neige, Sardinian nie, Ladin naiv, Italian neve, Catalan neu, Spanish nieve, Occitan neu, Portuguese neve
  Common Celtic *snig-, > Old Irish snigid (it snows), snechta (snow), Irish sneachta, Scottish sneachtadh
  Gothic snaiws (snow), Old High German snîvit (it snows), Old English snâw (snow), Old Norse snâer,
Swedish sno, Danish Norwegian sne, Icelandic snjór, German Schnee, Frisian snie, Dutch sneeuw, Africaans sneeu
  Avestan snaez'aiti (it snows)
  Sanskrit snihyati (he gets wet)
Hittite (not found)
  Common Baltic *snìg-, > Lithuanian sniega (it snows), snigti (to snow), Latvian snigt, Old Prussian snaygis (snow), Sudovian snaigas 
  Common Slavic *snìgü (snow), > Old Church Slavonic snìgü, 
Ukrainian snig, Bulgarian sniag, Macedonian sneg, Serbo-Croatian snijeg, Slovene sneg, Czech snih, Slovak sneh, Polish s'nieg, Upper Sorbian snìh, Lower Sorbian snìg, Polabian snêg, Russian sneg, snezhit' (to snow).
Notes: In any case the presence of this stem in so many Indo-European languages proves that Proto-Indo-Europeans lived in the region where it snowed. And the meaning is primary, though in some languages could be lost (like Sanskrit), or mixed with the meaning "winter". 
The initial s- was, probably, subject to some mutations in Proto-Indo-European, so Greek and Italic languages do not have it.
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