Word-A-Week in Indo-European
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Today's Word: *ped-
Translation:  a foot, a step, to step
Related to: Greek pezos (pedestrian), Doric pws, podos (a foot); >
New Greek podi (a foot)
  Latin pés, pedis (a foot); >
Rumanian picior, Ladin pe, French pied, Occitan ped, Spanish pie, Catalan peu, Italian pie, piede, Sardinian pei, Portuguese pe
  Old Irish peccad (a sin) - but very doubtful, that this loanword from Latin is of the same stem; from this, Irish peaca, Scottish peacadh
  Common Germanic *fót- (a foot), plural *fét; > Gothic fótus, Old High German fuoz, Old Swedish fuot, Old Norse fótr, Old English and Old Frankish fót; >
Swedish fot, Icelandic fotr, German Fuss, Afrikaans Dutch Flemish voet, Frisian foet, Faroese fotur, Danish fod, English foot
  Avestan pâdha (a foot), pasti- (pedestrian); >
Ossetic fad, Tadjik po, poj, Persian pa, Afghan psa, Waziri psha
  Sanskrit padam (a foot, a trace); >
Gujarati peg, Singhalese paya, Kashmiri pad, Baluchi phadh, Wakhi pued, Bengali pa, Marathi pay, Nepali pau
Albanian poshtë (down there, near feet) - supposedly a cognate
Hittite pata (a foot), piddái (to run)
Armenian ot - a case when the initial *p- was dropped in Armenian
  Common Baltic *pédtjos (pedestrian); > Lithuanian pe.sc'ias (pedestrian), pe.da (trace of the foot), Latvian pęda (a foot), Old Prussian pédá (a foot)
  Common Slavic *pedsjo- (pedestrian); > 
Ukrainian pišiy, Belorussian pešy, Old Church Slavic pěš, Bulgarian peš, Serbo-Croatian pješe, Slovene pešji, peš, Czech and Slovak pěší, Polish pieszy, Lower Sorbian pešy, Russian pešij (pedestrian), peškom (on foot)
Notes: The word has an extensive range of derivaives present in so many languages. Originally it is believed to have masculine gender, and the meaning spread not only to "foot", but to everything down there (as in Albanian). But the primary meaning remained very strong, though the very words for "foot" sometimes sound another way (Slavic noga, Celtic cos or troig)
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