CyBaLiSt Statistics

 2 Apr 1999
We now have New Statistical Survey for YOU!
Results are Ready!
Hits on the Front Page
1. Citizenship of our visitors:  
USA 34%
Australia 8%
Canada 8%
United Kingdom 6%
Argentina 6%
Poland 4%
Italy 4%
Lithuania 4%
Ireland 2%
Latvia 2%
Russia 2%
Sweden 2%
Norway 2%
India 2%
Turkey 2%
Spain 2%
France 2%
Latvia 2%
Morocco 2%
Korea 2%
Netherlands 2%
Total: 100%
Country diagram
2. Age: 
Average age: 34,0 
Max: 69 
Min: 16 

Age by groups: 
From 16 to 28 (students) 36%
From 28 to 55 (specialists) 56%
Above 55 8%

Age by Groups diagram
3. Sex: 
Male 86% 35,8
Female 14% 29,7
4. Profession:  
not Linguist
5. Source of info about the site: 
Search Engine 52%
Other site or catalog 32%
Electronic news 10%
From a Friend 6%
Saw Our Banner 0%
Source diagram
6. Interests in Indo-European linguistics:  
Proto-Indo-European language 29%
Germanic languages 16%
Celtic languages 14%
Slavic languages  9%
Anatolian languages 8%
Baltic languages  8%
Indic languages 8%
Italic languages 8%
No interest 0%
Interest diagram
8. Most popular pages of the site: 
Indo-European Research Articles 25%
Linguistic Links and Dictionaries  16%
Indo-European Chronology 16%
Indo-European Grammars  15%
Word-A-Weeks 14%
Indo-European Tree 14%
 Page Popularity
9. Advantages of the site:  
Informative 28%
Scientific 19%
Unique on the Web 19%
Design 19%
Good English 8%
Fast Update 7%
Advantages diagram
10. Disadvantages of the site:  
Still lacks information 35%
Lacks pictures or maps 13%
Poor English 9%
Too selfish 4%
Controversial 2%
No disadvantages 37%