Dardic & Nuristani Bibliography
Barth, Fredrik
1956   Indus and Swat Kohistan: an Ethnographic Survey. Oslo: Forenede Trykkerier.
Barth, Fredrik, and Georg Morgenstierne
1958   "Vocabularies and Specimens of Some S. E. Dardic Dialects." NTS, 18: 118-136.
Bashir, Elena L.
1988   Topics in Kalasha Syntax: An Areal and Typological Perspective. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan.
Bailey, T. Grahame
1924   Grammar of the Shina (SiNâ) Language. London: Royal Asiatic Society.
Biddulph, John
1880   Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing.
Buddruss, Georg
1959   Kanyawali: Proben eines Maiyâ˜-Dialektes aus Tangir (Hindukusch). Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft B. München: J. Kitzinger.
1960   Die Sprache von WoTapûr und KaTârqalâ: Linguistische Studien im afghanischen Hindukusch. Bonner Orientalistische Studien, N.S. 9. Bonn: Selbstverlag des Orientalischen Seminars der Universität Bonn.
1967   Die Sprache von Sau in Ostafghanistan: Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Dardischen Phalûra. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft M. München: J. Kitzinger.
Decker, Kendall D.
1992   Languages of Chitral. Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Vol 5. Islamabad: National Institute of Pakistan Studies and Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Decker, Sandra J.
1992   "Ushojo." In Languages of Kohistan, by Calvin R. Rensch, Sandra J. Decker, and Daniel G. Hallberg. Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Vol. 1. Islamabad: National Institute of Pakistan Studies and Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Degener, Almuth
1998   Die Sprache von Nisheygram im afghanischen Hindukusch. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Edelberg, Lennart, and Schuyler Jones
1979   Nuristan. Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt.
Grierson, George A.
1919   Indo-Aryan Family, North-Western Group: Specimens of the Dardic or Piâcha Languages (including Kashmiri). Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. 8, Part 2. Calcutta.
1929   Torwali: An Account of a Dardic Language of the Swat Kohistan. London: Royal Asiatic Society.
Grjunberg, Aleksandr L.
1980   Jazyk Kati: teksty, grammaticheskij ocherk. Moskva: Glavnaja Redaktsija Vostochnoj Literatury.
Hallberg, Daniel G.
1992   "The Languages of Indus Kohistan." In Languages of Kohistan, by Calvin R. Rensch, Sandra J. Decker, and Daniel G. Hallberg. Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Vol. 1. Islamabad: National Institute of Pakistan Studies and Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Hook, Peter E.
1990. "A Note on Expressions of Involuntary Experience in the Shina of Skardu." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 53: 77-82.
1997. "Relative Clauses in Eastern Shina." In Festschrift for Vitaly Shevoroshkin. Peter Michalove, Iren Hegedus, Alexis Manaster-Ramer, eds. Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series. Washington: Institute for the Study of Man. Pp. 140-154.
Jettmar, Karl, in collaboration with Lennart Edelberg
1974   Cultures of the Hindukush: Selected Papers from the Hindu-Kush Cultural Conference Held at Moesgård 1970. Beiträge zur Südasienforschung, Südasien- Institut, Universität Heidelberg, 1. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Jones, Schuyler
1966   An Annotated Bibliography of Nuristan (Kafiristan) and the Kalash Kafirs of Chitral, Part One. Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 41, 3. København: Munksgaard.
1969   An Annotated Bibliography of Nuristan (Kafiristan) and the Kalash Kafirs of Chitral, Part Two: Selected Documents from the Secret and Political Records, 1885- 1900. Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 43, 1. København: Munksgaard.
1974   Men of Influence in Nuristan. London and New York: Seminar Press.
Katz, David J.
1982   Kafir to Afghan: Religious Conversion, Political Incorporation, and Ethnicity in the Vaigal Valley, Nuristan. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.
Keiser, R. Lincoln
1971   Social Structure and Social Contol in Two Afghan Mountain Societies. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Rochester.
1991   Friend by Day, Enemy by Night: Organized Vengeance in a Kohistani Community. Fort Worth: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Koul, Omkar N. and Ruth Laila Schmidt
1983   "Dardistan revisited: An examination of the relationship between Kashmiri and Shina." In Aspects of Kashmiri Linguistics. Omkar N. Koul and Peter E. Hook, eds. New Dehli: Bahri Publications.
Masica, Colin P.
1991   The Indo-Aryan Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Morgenstierne, Georg
1929   "The Language of the Ashkun Kafirs." NTS, 2: 192-289.
1930   "Notes on Torwali." Acta Orientalia, 8: 295-310.
1932   Report on a Linguistic Mission to North-Western India. ISK Serie C III-1. Oslo.
1934a   "Additional Notes on Ashkun." NTS, 7: 56-115.
1934b   "Notes on Tirahi." Acta Orientalia, 12: 161-189.
1940   "Notes on Bashkarîk." Acta Orientalia, 18: 206-257.
1941   Notes on PhalûRa, an Unknown Dardic Language of Chitral. Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo II, Hist.-Filos. Klasse, 1940, no.5. Oslo: Jacob Dybwad.
1942   "Notes on Dameli, a Kafir-Dardic language of Chitral." NTS, 12: 115-198.
1945a   "Indo-European in Kafiri." NTS, 13; 225-238
1945b   "Notes on Shumashti, a Dardic dialect of the Gawar-Bati type." NTS, 13: 239-281.
1947   "Some Features of Khowar Morphology." NTS, 14: 5-28.
1949   "The Language of the Prasun Kafirs." NTS, 15: 186-334.
1950   Notes on Gawar-Bati. Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo II, Hist.-Filos. Klasse, 1950, no.1. Oslo: Jacob Dybwad.
1952   "Linguistic Gleanings from Nuristan." NTS, 16: 117-135.
1954   "The Waigali Language." NTS, 17: 146-324.
1967   Indo-Iranian Frontier Languages, Vol. 3, The Pashai Language, Part 1, Grammar. ISK Serie B: Skrifter 40. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
1973   The Kalasha Language. Indo-Iranian Frontier Languages, Vol 4. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Radloff, Carla F.
1992   "The Dialects of Shina." In Languages of Northern Areas, by Peter C. Backstrom and Carla F. Radloff. Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Vol. 2. Islamabad: National Institute of Pakistan Studies and Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Rensch, Calvin R.
1992   "Swat Kohistan." In Languages of Kohistan, by Calvin R. Rensch, Sandra J. Decker, and Daniel G. Hallberg. Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Vol. 1. Islamabad: National Institute of Pakistan Studies and Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Robertson, George Scott
1896   The Káfirs of the Hindu-Kush. London: Lawrence & Bullen, Ltd.
Schmidt, Ruth Laila
1982   "Report on a Survey of Dardic Languages of Kashmir." Indian Linguistics 42 (1981): 17-21.
1985   "Where Have the Shina Speakers Come From? Some Linguistic Clues." Journal of Central Asia 8.1: 17-26.
Schmidt, Ruth Laila, and Razwal Kohistani
1998   "Páalus/kosty'õ/Shina Revisited." Acta Orientalia 59: 106- 149.
Schmidt, Ruth Laila, with Mohammad Zarin
1981   "The Phonology and Tonal System of Pâlas /kohis'tyõ:/ Shina." Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, 40: 155-185.
Strand, Richard F.
1973   "Notes on the Nûristânî and Dardic Languages." Journal of the American Oriental Society, 93.3: 297-305.
1974a   "Native Accounts of Kom History," in Jettmar and Edelberg, eds, Cultures of the Hindukush (see above), 22-23. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.
1974b   "Principles of Kinship Organization among the Kom Nuristani," in Jettmar and Edelberg, eds, Cultures of the Hindukush (see above), 51-56.
1974c   "A Note on Rank, Political Leadership, and Government among the Pre-Islamic Kom," in Jettmar and Edelberg, eds, Cultures of the Hindukush (see above), 57-63.
1975a   "Changing Socioeconomics in a Nuristani Tribe." Paper presented at the symposium "Designed Transformational Processes in Afghanistan." Annual Meeting, Association of Asian Studies, San Francisco, March 25, 1975.
1975b   "The Changing Herding Economy of the Kom Nuristani." Afghanistan Journal, 2.4: 123-134. Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt.
1976a   "Tribal Versus National Government in Nuristan." Paper presented at the "Conference on Rural Life in Afghanistan: The Prospects for Development." Center for Afghanistan Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha, September 23-25, 1976.
1976b    Review of Schuyler Jones, Men of Influence in Nuristan. Journal of Asian Studies 35.4: 712-713.
1978   "Ethnic Competition and Tribal Schism in Eastern Nuristan." In Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporary Afghanistan, Jon W. Anderson and Richard F. Strand, eds. Occasional Paper No. 15 of the Afghanistan Council of the Asia Society. New York: Asia Society, 9-14.
1983   "Local Insurgency Versus the Peshawar Parties in Nuristan." Talk given at the panel "Afghanistan: The Resistance in the Fourth Year Additional Views." Forum on Afghanistan, Loy Henderson Conference Room, Department of State, Washington, D.C., December 12-13, 1983.
1984a   "The Evolution of Anti-Communist Resistance in Eastern Nuristan," in Revolutions and Rebellions in Afghanistan, ed. M. Nazif Shahrani and Robert L. Canfield, 77-93. Berkeley, California: Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
1984b   "Kho," in Muslim Peoples (Second Edition), ed. Richard V. Weekes, 1: 402-404. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
1984c   "Kohistanis," in Muslim Peoples (Second Edition), ed. Richard V. Weekes, 1: 411-413. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
1984d   "Nuristanis," in Muslim Peoples (Second Edition), ed. Richard V. Weekes, 2: 569-574. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
1985   "Locality and Nominal Relationships in Kamviri," in Proceedings of the Conference on Participant Roles: South Asia and Adjacent Areas, ed. Arlene R. K. Zide, David Magier, and Eric Schiller, 48-57. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
1991   "Depicting Cognitive Images in Kâmviri," paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, November, 1991
1997a   "An Overview of The Nuristâni Languages." Paper given at the 3rd Himalayan Languages Symposium, University of California at Santa Barbara, 18 July 1997. (Reprinted here).
1997b   "An Overview of The Kâmviri Verbal System." Paper given at the 3rd Himalayan Languages Symposium, University of California at Santa Barbara, 18 July 1997. (Abstract reprinted here).
1997c   "Direction and Location in the Nuristâni Languages." Paper given at the 3rd Himalayan Languages Symposium, University of California at Santa Barbara, 18 July 1997. (Abstract reprinted here).
Summer Institute of Linguistics
1992   Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, (in 5 volumes). Islamabad: National Institute of Pakistan Studies and Summer Institute of Linguistics.